

Consecrating tanım:

Kelime: 2consecrate
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: -crat·ed; -crat·ing
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin consecratus, past participle of consecrare, from com- sacrare to consecrate -- more at SACRED
1 : to induct (a person) into a permanent office with a religious rite; especially : to ordain to the office of bishop
2 a : to make or declare sacred; especially : to devote irrevocably to the worship of God by a solemn ceremony b : to effect the liturgical transubstantiation of (eucharistic bread and wine) c : to devote to a purpose with or as if with deep solemnity or dedication
3 : to make inviolable or venerable principles consecrated by the weight of history
synonym see DEVOTE
- con·se·cra·tive /-"krA-tiv/ adjective
- con·se·cra·tor /-"krA-t&r/ noun
- con·se·cra·to·ry /'kän(t)-si-kr&-"tOr-E, -"tor-, -"krA-t&-rE/ adjective

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