Felo-de-se İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Felo-de-se anlamları
- (noun) One who deliberately puts an end to his own existence, or loses his life while engaged in the commission of an unlawful or malicious act; a suicide.
Felo-de-se tanım:
Kelime: felo-de-se
Söyleniş: "fe-lO-d&-'sA, -'sE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural fe·lo·nes-de-se

Kökeni: Medieval Latin felo de se, fello de se, literally, evildoer in respect to oneself
1 : one who commits suicide or who dies from the effects of having committed an unlawful malicious act
2 : an act of deliberate self-destruction : SUICIDE