
Kısaca: Gotlar, Güney İskandinavya'nın Gotland bölgesinde oturan eski bir Cermen kavmi. Gotlar 2. yüzyıldan itibaren Scythia, Dacia ve Pannonia'da yaşamışlar 3. ve 4. yüzyıllarda Bizans'ı yağma etmişler ve Aryanizmi benimsemişlerdir. ...devamı ☟


Got ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: Gotlar


1. anlamı h_yaptır al.
2. anlamı fiilinin ikinci halialmak. sahip olma. gereklilik belirtme.
3. anlamı (i.) Got, Got kavminden biri; kaba adam, barbar kimse .


Got İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Got anlamları

  1. (imp.) of Get
  2. (p. p.) of Get
  3. () imp. & p. p. of Get. See Get.

Got tanım:

Kelime: get
Söyleniş: 'get, ÷'git
İşlev: verb
Türleri: got /'gät/; got or got·ten /'gä-t&n/; get·ting
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old Norse geta to get, beget; akin to Old English bigietan to beget, Latin prehendere to seize, grasp, Greek chandanein to hold, contain
transitive senses
1 a : to gain possession of b : to receive as a return : EARN he got a bad reputation for carelessness
2 a : to obtain by concession or entreaty get your mother's permission to go b : to become affected by (a disease or bodily condition) : CATCH got measles from his sister
3 a : to seek out and obtain hoped to get dinner at the inn b : to obtain and bring where wanted or needed get a pencil from the desk
5 a : to cause to come or go quickly got his luggage through customs b : to cause to move get it out of the house c : to cause to be in a certain position or condition got his feet wet d : to make ready : PREPARE get breakfast
6 a : to be subjected to got a bad fall b : to receive by way of punishment c : to suffer a specified injury to got my nose broken
7 a : to achieve as a result of military activity b : to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage he got little for his trouble get the better of an enemy
8 a : SEIZE b : OVERCOME c : to have an emotional effect on the final scene always gets me d : IRRITATE the delays were starting to get her e : PUZZLE f : to take vengeance on; specifically : KILL g : HIT
9 : to prevail on : CAUSE finally got them to tidy up their room
10 a : HAVE -- used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning I've got no money b : to have as an obligation or necessity -- used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning you have got to come
11 a : to find out by calculation get the answer to a problem b : MEMORIZE got the verse by heart c : HEAR d : UNDERSTAND
12 : to establish communication with
13 : to put out in baseball
14 : DELIVER 6b the car gets 20 miles to the gallon
intransitive senses
1 a : to succeed in coming or going : to bring or move oneself get away to the country got into the car b : to reach or enter into a certain condition got to sleep after midnight c : to make progress hasn't gotten far with the essay
2 : to acquire wealth
3 a : to be able never got to go to college b : to come to be -- often used with following present participle got talking about old times
4 a : to succeed in becoming : BECOME how to get clear of all the debts I owe -- Shakespeare b : to become involved people who get into trouble with the law
5 : to leave immediately told them to get
verbal auxiliary -- used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary they got caught in the act
- get a bead on : to gain a precise and telling knowledge or understanding of got a bead on his motives
- get after : to pursue with exhortation, reprimand, or attack
- get ahead : to achieve success determined to get ahead in life
- get a move on : HURRY
- get at 1 : to reach effectively 2 : to influence corruptly : BRIBE 3 : to turn one's attention to 4 : to try to prove or make clear what is he getting at
- get away with : to avoid criticism or punishment for or the consequences of (as a reprehensible act)
- get cracking : to make a start : get going ought to get cracking on that assignment
- get even : to get revenge
- get even with : to repay in kind
- get going : to make a start
- get into : to become strongly involved with or deeply interested in
- get it : to receive a scolding or punishment
- get it on 1 : to become enthusiastic, energetic, or excited 2 : to engage in sexual intercourse
- get on : to produce an unfortunate effect on : UPSET the noise got on my nerves
- get one's act together 1 : to put one's life, thoughts, or emotions in order : cease to be confused or misdirected 2 : to begin to function in a skillful or efficient manner the company finally got its act together
- get one's goat : to make one angry or annoyed
- get over 1 a : OVERCOME, SURMOUNT b : to recover from c : to reconcile oneself to : become accustomed to 2 : to move or travel across
- get somewhere : to be successful
- get there : to be successful
- get through : to reach the end of : COMPLETE
- get to 1 a : BEGIN gets to worrying over nothing at all b : to be ready to begin or deal with I'll get to the accounts as soon as I can 2 : to have an effect on: as a : INFLUENCE b : BOTHER
- get together 1 : to bring together : ACCUMULATE 2 : to come together : ASSEMBLE, MEET 3 : to reach agreement
- get wind of : to become aware of
- get with it : to become alert or aware : show sophisticated consciousness
usage The pronunciation \'git\ has been noted as a feature of some British and American dialects since the 16th century. In the phonetic spelling of his own speech Benjamin Franklin records git. However, since at least 1687 some grammarians and teachers have disapproved this pronunciation. It nonetheless remains in widespread and unpredictable use in many dialects, often, but not exclusively, when get is a passive auxiliary (as in get married) or an imperative (as in get up!).


İngilizce Got kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
[get] v. conseguir, abastecerse de, adquirir, agenciarse, lograr, lograr obtener, procurarse; recibir, alcanzar; hacerse; ponerse; atrapar, coger, contraer; llegar; quedar; llevar; moverse hacia


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
[get] v. recevoir; procurer; obtenir; prendre; acheter, acquérir; obtenir; attraper; comprendre; contracter (une maladie); arriver; venir; devenir; causer, amener à, encourager, exhorter


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[get] v. bekommen; holen; anschaffen; besorgen; fördern (Kohle); kommen; einholen; anstecken (Krankheit); einfangen (Tier)


İngilizce Got kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
[get] v. ricevere; ottenere; acquistare; procurarsi; prendere; comprendere; buscarsi, beccarsi (una malattia); arrivare, giungere; venire; divenire; causare; portare; pesuadere, indurre


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
[get] v. receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doença); entender; chegar; causar; induzir; decorar; procriar; buscar


[get] f. almak, edinmek, elde etmek, ele geçirmek; satın almak; getirmek, götürmek; varmak, gelmek; kazanmak; yapmak; idrak etmek; anlamak; başına gelmek; olmak; başlamak; canına okumak; öldürmek; açığını bulmak, yalanını çıkarmak


Türkçe Got kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
[get] v. receive; obtain; purchase; take; understand; be infected (with a disease); arrive; come; become; cause; bring; persuade
n. Goth
n. ass [sl.], arse [sl.], fanny [sl.], pluck [sl.], prat [sl.], bum [sl.]


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
[get] ww. krijgen; halen; bereiken; verkrijgen; pakken; begrijpen; worden; aangestoken worden (met een ziekte); komen; veroorzaken


[get] v. receive; obtain; purchase; take; understand; be infected (with a disease); arrive; come; become; cause; bring; persuade
n. Goth
n. ass [sl.], arse [sl.], fanny [sl.], pluck [sl.], prat [sl.], bum [sl.]


Türkçe Got kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Gote


İngilizce Got kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
[get] v. conseguir, abastecerse de, adquirir, agenciarse, lograr, lograr obtener, procurarse; recibir, alcanzar; hacerse; ponerse; atrapar, coger, contraer; llegar; quedar; llevar; moverse hacia


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
[get] v. recevoir; procurer; obtenir; prendre; acheter, acquérir; obtenir; attraper; comprendre; contracter (une maladie); arriver; venir; devenir; causer, amener à, encourager, exhorter


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[get] v. bekommen; holen; anschaffen; besorgen; fördern (Kohle); kommen; einholen; anstecken (Krankheit); einfangen (Tier)


İngilizce Got kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
[get] v. ricevere; ottenere; acquistare; procurarsi; prendere; comprendere; buscarsi, beccarsi (una malattia); arrivare, giungere; venire; divenire; causare; portare; pesuadere, indurre


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
[get] v. receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doença); entender; chegar; causar; induzir; decorar; procriar; buscar


[get] f. almak, edinmek, elde etmek, ele geçirmek; satın almak; getirmek, götürmek; varmak, gelmek; kazanmak; yapmak; idrak etmek; anlamak; başına gelmek; olmak; başlamak; canına okumak; öldürmek; açığını bulmak, yalanını çıkarmak


Türkçe Got kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
[get] v. receive; obtain; purchase; take; understand; be infected (with a disease); arrive; come; become; cause; bring; persuade n. Goth n. ass [sl.], arse [sl.], fanny [sl.], pluck [sl.], prat [sl.], bum [sl.]


İngilizce Got kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
[get] ww. krijgen; halen; bereiken; verkrijgen; pakken; begrijpen; worden; aangestoken worden (met een ziekte); komen; veroorzaken


[get] v. receive; obtain; purchase; take; understand; be infected (with a disease); arrive; come; become; cause; bring; persuade n. Goth n. ass [sl.], arse [sl.], fanny [sl.], pluck [sl.], prat [sl.], bum [sl.]


Türkçe Got kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Gote

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