İkincil Karakter Ravenclaw'lılar

Kısaca: çeviri ...devamı ☟

çeviri J. K. Rowling`in Harry Potter adlı kitap serisinde, Hogwarts Cadılık ve Büyücülük Okulu`nda Ravenclaw`dan olup hikayede daha az öne çıkan karakterlerdir. Ana Ravenclaw karakterleri için Luna Lovegood, Filius Flitwick ve Moaning Myrtle`e bakın.

Terry Boot

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Terry Boot Karakteri``
Adı: Terry Boot
Cinsiyeti: Erkek
Saç Rengi: ?
Göz Rengi: ?
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Quidditch
Kan Saflığı: Muggle doğumlu
Patronus: ?
Canlandıran: ?
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Felsefe Taşı
Terry Boot, Ravenclaw`lı Harry`nin yılından bir öğrencidir. Gilderoy Lockhart`ın düello klübünde Harry`nin ikinci yılında onunla tanışmıştır.

``Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldaşlığı``nda Dumbledore`un Ordusu`nun bir parçası oldu. Sonra accompanying Michael to the first meeting at The Hog`s Head. He informs Harry that a portrait in Albus Dumbledore`s office had told him the previous year that Harry had slain a Basilisk with Gryffindor`s sword, then asks him to confirm it. After one D.A. meeting in the Room of Requirement, Terry is impressed by Hermione Granger`s charmed communication-device Galleons distributed among the members, as well as her ability to perform the F.Y.B.S-level Protean Charm, which provoke him to ask her, ``"How come you`re not in Ravenclaw? With brains like yours?"`` He is among a group of D.A. members who assist Harry when Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle attempt to ambush him aboard the Hogwarts Express at the end of the term.

In ``Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,`` Terry appears in Horace Slughorn`s Advanced Potions class, and is physically punished by the Carrows in his seventh year after shouting an announcement in the Great Hall about Harry, Ron and Hermione`s Gringotts break-in and their escape on a dragon. He is among the D.A. members who later seek refuge in the Room of Requirement before Harry`s return to Hogwarts and the upcoming final battle against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and provides Ron with an explanation of Ravenclaw`s diadem.

Terry is the "T. Boot" who checked out ``Quidditch Through the Ages`` from the Hogwarts library. He was originally called "Trevor Boot" on Rowling`s pre-canon list of Harry`s classmates, but the name was ultimately passed on to Neville Longbottom`s toad.

Cho Chang



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Cho Chang Karakteri``
Adı: Cho Chang
Cinsiyeti: Kadın
Saç Rengi: Siyah
Göz Rengi: Koyu Kahverengi
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Quidditch, Dumbledore`un Ordusu
Kan Saflığı: Melez
Canlandıran: Katie Leung
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Azkaban Tutsağı
Cho Chang; Harry Potter`in platonik ergenlik aşkı olan kızdır. Aynı zamanda Ravenclaw`ın Quidditch Takımında Arayıcı (Seeker) pozisyonunda oynar. Harry ile aralarında Quidditch alanında bir kez rekabet olmuştur. (Harry Potter Gryffindor`un Quidditch Takımında Arayıcı`dır) Cho Chang Noel Balosu`nda(Yule Ball); Cedric Diggory`nin dans davetini kabul ettiği için Harry sadece arkadaşı olan hint asıllı Parvati Patil ve Padma Patil ikizlerini dansa davet eder. Ayrıca Cho`nun Cedric`ten önce Harry`nin ona teklif etmesi takdirde Harry ile gidecek olması dikkat çekici bir husustur. Parvati`yle Harry, Padma`yla da Ron Weasley vals yaparlar. Bu arada yakın kız arkadaşları Hermione Granger de Viktor Krum`la çıkagelir... Üçbüyücü Turnuvası`nın (Triwizard Tournament) 2. yarışmasında tüm yarışmacıların en özledikleri varlıkları Kara Göl`de Denizhalkı (Merpeople) tarafından rehin alınır. Fleur Delacour`un kız kardeşi Gabrielle Delacour, Viktor Krum`un yeni sevgilisi Hermione Granger, Harry`nin en iyi arkadaşı Ron Weasley ve Cedric Diggory`nin sevgilisi ise Cho Chang çalınır. Üçbüyücü Turnuvası`nın sonunda Cedric Diggory`nin talihsiz bir şekilde yeniden vücut bulan Lord Voldemort tarafından Avada Kadavra laneti ile öldürülmesi ve bu olaydan yine sadece Harry`nin sağ kalması sonucu (Sağ Kalan Çocuk/The Boy Who Lived) Harry, Cho`nun onu Cedric`in ölümünden sorumlu tutacağını düşünür ama Cho onu anlayışla karşılar. Tabi ara sıra Cho`nun aklına bu durum gelse de Harry için sorun olmaz ve Harry her fırsatta onu teselli eder. Harry, Hogwarts`ta beşinci yılındayken çıkmaya başlarlar. Ama Cho`nun Harry`le öpüşürken Cedric`i hatırlayıp ağlaması Dumbledore`un Ordusu toplantısından sonra İhtiyaç Odası`nda), Harry`nin de romantizm özürlü biri olarak kıza gereken ilgiyi gösterememesi (Sevgililer Günü`nde Domuz Kafası/Hog`s Head barında) sonucu bu ilişki kısa sürer ve birbirlerine göre olmadıklarını anlayıp ayrılırlar

Ailesinin soyunun Hong Kong`a dayanan ama İskoçya vatandaşı olan Katie Leung ilk kez ``Harry Potter ve Ateş Kadehi`` nde ikinci kez ise ``Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldaşlığı`` nda Cho karakterini oynamıştır. Bu sayede Sinema Dünyası`nda tanınmıştır.

Penelope Clearwater

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Penelope Clearwater Karakteri``
Adı: Penelope Clearwater
Cinsiyeti: Kadın
Saç Rengi: ?
Göz Rengi: ?
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: ?
Kan Saflığı: Muggle-born
Patronus: ?
Canlandıran: Gemma Padley
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Sırlar Odası
Penelope "Penny" Clearwater; Ravenclaw`lı öğrencidir. En güzel şekilde uzun ve koyu-kıvırcık dalgalı saçları ile tanımlanır. Harry Potter`dan 4 sene evvel Hogwarts`a başlamıştır. She makes her first appearance in ``Chamber of Secrets``. She was petrified along with Hermione Granger by the reflect of the basilisk`s eyes. It is revealed at the end of ``Chamber of Secrets`` that Penelope was wandering the Slytherin dungeon that night to meet with her secret boyfriend, Percy Weasley, and that they began dating at the end of Harry`s first year; Percy was extremely upset when she was later Petrified. Ginny Weasley recalls walking in on the couple kissing in an empty classroom, and that Percy had stayed shut up in his room all summer writing letters to Penelope prior to the term.

There has been some confusion about Penelope`s age and blood status. In the first edition of ``Chamber of Secrets``, she was described as a fifth-year student, who was thus one year behind Percy and three ahead of Harry. In the 2004 UK edition of ``Chamber of Secrets,`` the text was amended to make Penelope a sixth-year like Percy. She was also initially believed to be a Muggle-born after she was Petrified, but a scene in ``Deathly Hallows``, in which Hermione identifies herself as "Penelope Clearwater" and a half-blood when interrogated by a group of Snatchers hunting for Muggle-borns, dispels this notion as Penelope`s name was not on their list. However, it is explained in ``Chamber of Secrets`` that Penelope was with Hermione Granger when petrified; the latter (a Muggle-born) was likely the real target (in the same way that Nearly Headless Nick was caught up in the attack on Justin Finch-Fletchley).

Penelope made a brief appearance in the film version of ``Chamber of Secrets``, and was played by Gemma Padley.

Michael Corner

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Michael Corner Karakteri``
Adı: Michael Corner
Cinsiyeti: Erkek
Saç Rengi: ?
Göz Rengi: ?
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Dumbledore`un Ordusu
Kan Saflığı: Melez
Patronus: ?
Canlandıran: ?
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldaşlığı
Michael Corner is a Ravenclaw student in Harry`s year, and is close friends with housemates Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein. He and Ginny Weasley met and began dating after the Yule Ball, but this is not explicitly mentioned in canon until ``Order of the Phoenix``. They attend the initial meeting of Dumbledore`s Army at The Hog`s Head, which also results in Terry and Anthony tagging along. Michael initially believes that Hermione only wants to form the group in order to pass her Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. later in the year, and expresses his admiration of Harry`s performance in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament. When Michael duels Ginny during a D.A. meeting, he does not jinx her, either because he does not know the spell or wants to avoid cursing his girlfriend. Ron often questions his intelligence, mainly due to his disapproval of Michael dating his younger sister.

Ginny replaces Harry on the Gryffindor Quidditch team after he is permanently banned by Umbridge, and after Gryffindor defeat Ravenclaw in the Quidditch Final, Michael expresses his displeasure of the result and the relationship ends; she later calls him a ``"bad loser."`` He began dating the Seeker from his own team, Cho Chang, fresh from her split with Harry. Michael is one of the few students in Harry`s year to matriculate in Slughorn`s Advanced Potions class after achieving a high score on his Potions O.W.L.

In ``Deathly Hallows``, Michael is tortured by the Carrows for trying to free a first-year boy from imprisonment during Severus Snape`s regime as Hogwarts headmaster; Neville recalls this incident to Harry, Ron and Hermione when the trio return to Hogwarts. He is among the regrouped D.A. members hiding in the Room of Requirement before engaging in the final battle against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and when Harry attempts to reject the D.A.`s offer to help him in his mission, he soon relents due to Michael`s protests ``("You`re just going to leave us in this mess?")`` and those of other members.

Michael was initially a Hufflepuff on Rowling`s original pre-canon classlist that she created prior to the completion of ``Philosopher`s Stone``.

Roger Davies




Fleur ile

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Roger Davies Karakteri``
Adı: Roger Davies
Cinsiyeti: Erkek
Saç Rengi: Koyu Kahverengi
Göz Rengi: ?
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Quidditch
Kan Saflığı: Bilinmiyor
Canlandıran: Henry Lloyd-Hughes
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Azkaban Tutsağı
Roger Davies is Captain of, and Chaser on, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. He makes a brief appearance during the pre-match handshake with Oliver Wood prior to the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match in ``Prisoner of Azkaban,`` but is properly identified for the first time in ``Goblet of Fire,`` when he escorts Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball. He seems to be considered attractive, as Fleur evidently liked him enough to join him later in the bushes outside. At Madam Puddifoot`s in ``Order of the Phoenix``, Harry and Cho witness Roger and his date, a pretty blonde girl, kissing at the next table, a sight that makes Harry uncomfortable as he feels that he would be expected to treat Cho in the same manner. Cho, in an attempt to get Harry`s attention, claims that Roger had asked her out but she turned him down in favour of Harry instead.

In a brief snippet of conversation Harry overhears between Roger and Fleur at dinner during the Yule Ball, Roger is clearly more interested in Fleur`s beauty that he tunes out her complaints about Hogwarts, and keeps missing his mouth with his fork. Then again, this may be simply because Fleur, being a quarter-Veela, has an entrancing effect on men by nature. Though he does not appear again in the series after ``Order of the Phoenix,`` his sojourn in the bushes with Fleur is revisited during a flashback when Harry watches Snape`s final memories in the Pensieve in ``Deathly Hallows.``

Henry Lloyd-Hughes played Roger in ``Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire`` in a non-speaking role.

Marietta Edgecombe

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Marietta Edgecombe Karakteri``
Adı: Marietta Edgecombe
Cinsiyeti: Kadın
Saç Rengi: ?
Göz Rengi: ?
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Dumbledore`un Ordusu
Kan Saflığı: Melez
Patronus: ?
Canlandıran: ?
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Sırlar Odası
Marietta Edgecombe is a Ravenclaw student (age unknown) with curly reddish-blonde hair, and is part of Cho Chang`s cadre of giggling Ravenclaw girlfriends. Marietta`s mother is Madam Edgecombe, who works for the Floo Network Authority in the Ministry of Magic.

Marietta joins Dumbledore`s Army, whose objective is to defy the Ministry`s methods of teaching defensive magic by secretly training students in combat, against her wishes out of peer pressure from Cho. She reluctantly attends the meetings, and in one instance, Cho accidentally singes Marietta`s robe sleeve with a botched ``Expelliarmus`` Charm. However, Marietta becomes an informant and betrays the group to Umbridge, which is not without consequences: The parchment that all the members signed back at The Hog`s Head was jinxed by Hermione Granger, which in turn caused purple pustules spelling the word ``"SNEAK"`` to break out across Marietta`s face. Umbridge attempts to goad her into revealing crucial information about the D.A., but Marietta is too terrified to show her face or even speak. Kingsley Shacklebolt then swiftly and secretly modifies her memory with an ``Obliviate`` Charm. The incident leads to the breakup of Harry and Cho, who attempts to justify her friend`s actions to Harry by insisting that "``she was a good person [1] just made a mistake,"`` and that it was difficult for Marietta to have a parent serving in the Ministry. Rowling revealed in a chat session after the release of ``Deathly Hallows`` that the ``"SNEAK"`` eventually faded, but still left a few scars.cite news|url=http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/2007/7/30/j-k-rowling-web-chat-transcript|title=J.K. Rowling Web Chat Transcript|date=2007-07-30|accessdate=2007-07-30|publisher=The Leaky Cauldron

In the film adaptation of ``Order of the Phoenix``, Marietta`s betrayal of the D.A. is instead committed by Cho, under the influence of the Veritaserum potion. Marietta`s name can be seen along with those of other D.A. members on the movie`s promotional site and on some official merchandise, but she does not actually appear in the film.

Anthony Goldstein

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Anthony Goldstein Karakteri``
Adı: Anthony Goldstein
Cinsiyeti: Erkek
Saç Rengi: ?
Göz Rengi: ?
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Quidditch, Dumbledore`un Ordusu
Kan Saflığı: Bilinmiyor
Patronus: ?
Canlandıran: ?
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldaşlığı
Anthony Goldstein is a Ravenclaw student in Harry`s year, and is close friends with housemates Michael Corner and Terry Boot. His series debut comes in ``Order of the Phoenix``, in which he becomes a Ravenclaw prefect, and joins Dumbledore`s Army after accompanying Michael to the initial meeting at the Hog`s Head. Zacharias Smith`s numerous attempts to disarm Anthony during one D.A. meeting are comically interrupted by the Weasley twins. Anthony is one of several D.A. members who assist Harry against Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle as they attempt to ambush Harry on the Hogwarts Express at the end of the school year. He goes unmentioned in ``Half-Blood Prince``, but returns in ``Deathly Hallows`` as one of many D.A. members holed up in the Room of Requirement who enthusiastically greet Harry upon his return to Hogwarts, prior to entering the final battle with Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

His last name, which literally translates as ``"gold stone,"`` is of German origin and fairly common among Ashkenazi Jews.http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Kolomea/nameorigin.htm Anthony was initially a Hufflepuff on Rowling`s original pre-canon classlist that she created prior to the completion of ``Philosopher`s Stone``.

Padma Patil



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Padma Patil Karakteri``
Adı: Padma Patil
Cinsiyeti: Kadın
Saç Rengi: Siyah
Göz Rengi: Siyah
Binası: Ravenclaw
Bağlılığı: Hogwarts, Dumbledore`un Ordusu
Kan Saflığı: Melez
Canlandıran: Afshan Azad
İlk görünüşü: Harry Potter ve Felsefe Taşı
Padma Patil is a Ravenclaw student in Harry`s year, and the identical twin sister of Gryffindor student Parvati Patil.

While both sisters are Sorted in ``Philosopher`s Stone,`` Padma is not mentioned again in the series until ``Goblet of Fire``, in which Harry`s housemate Dean Thomas remarks that the Patil twins are the best-looking girls in their year. Padma attends the Yule Ball with Ron, at the urging of Parvati (Harry`s date) when Harry begs her to find a date for Ron. Padma, however, is less than enthusiastic at having Ron for a partner, since he refuses to dance with her and instead spends the evening stewing in jealousy over Hermione`s date with Viktor Krum. Padma and Parvati both eventually abandon their disinterested dates and dance with some Beauxbatons boys.

In ``Order of the Phoenix,`` Padma becomes a Ravenclaw prefect, and joins Dumbledore`s Army along with her sister. The twins are taken home by their parents after Dumbledore`s death and subsequent funeral at the conclusion of ``Half-Blood Prince,`` but in ``Deathly Hallows,`` they return to Hogwarts to take part in the final battle against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

The Patils` names and appearance in the films imply that they are of Indian descent. ``Patil`` is a common Marathi surname in the state of Maharashtra. In Sanskrit, ``Padma`` means ``"lotus,"`` a symbol of divinity and purity because of its nature and birth in dirty mud water. Rowling originally intended for the twins` first names to begin with ``Ma``, and on her classlist from ``Harry Potter and Me,`` their last name was spelled as ``Patel``.

Padma is played by Afshan Azad in the film versions of ``Goblet of Fire`` and ``Order of the Phoenix``. In both movies, the Patils are Gryffindor housemates, and are also portrayed as fraternal twins.


  • Marcus Belby (invited to the Slug Club, due to his uncle Damocles having been taught Potions by Slughorn. However, Slughorn seemed to lose interest in Marcus after he revealed that he did not know his famous uncle too well due to a rift between him and his father)
  • Eddie Carmichael (tries to hawk a bottle of "Baruffio`s Brain Elixir" to Harry and Ron for twelve Galleons before their Ordinary Wizarding Level exams, claiming it was solely responsible for the nine Outstanding O.W.L.s he had achieved the year prior. The transaction is quickly terminated by Hermione, who, acting as prefect, confiscates the elixir and disposes of it into a toilet)
  • S. Fawcett (unsuccessfully attempted to illicitly enter the Triwizard Tournament, but does attend the Yule Ball)


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Harry Potter Karakterleri



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