Imitate İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Imitate anlamları
- (v. t.) To produce a semblance or likeness of, in form, character, color, qualities, conduct, manners, and the like; to counterfeit; to copy.
- (v. t.) To resemble (another species of animal, or a plant, or inanimate object) in form, color, ornamentation, or instinctive habits, so as to derive an advantage thereby; sa, when a harmless snake imitates a venomous one in color and manner, or when an odorless insect imitates, in color, one having secretion offensive to birds.
- (v. t.) To follow as a pattern, model, or example; to copy or strive to copy, in acts, manners etc.
Imitate tanım:
Kelime: im·i·tate
Söyleniş: 'i-m&-"tAt
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: -tat·ed; -tat·ing
Kökeni: Latin imitatus, past participle of imitari -- more at IMAGE
1 : to follow as a pattern, model, or example
2 : to be or appear like : RESEMBLE
3 : to produce a copy of : REPRODUCE
4 : MIMIC, COUNTERFEIT can imitate his father's booming voice
synonym see COPY
- im·i·ta·tor