Infelicity İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Infelicity anlamları
- (noun) That (as an act, word, expression, etc.) which is infelicitous; as, infelicities of speech.
- (noun) The state or quality of being infelicitous; unhappiness; misery; wretchedness; misfortune; want of suitableness or appropriateness.
Infelicity tanım:
Kelime: in·fe·lic·i·ty
Söyleniş: -s&-tE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural -ties
Kökeni: Middle English infelicite unhappiness, from Latin infelicitas, from infelic-, infelix unhappy, from in- felic-, felix fruitful -- more at FEMININE
1 : the quality or state of being infelicitous
2 : something that is infelicitous