Insecure İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Insecure anlamları
- (a.) Not secure; not confident of safety or permanence; distrustful; suspicious; apprehensive of danger or loss.
- (a.) Not effectually guarded, protected, or sustained; unsafe; unstable; exposed to danger or loss.
Insecure tanım:
Kelime: in·se·cure
Söyleniş: "in-si-'kyur
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Medieval Latin insecurus, from Latin in- securus secure
1 : not confident or sure : UNCERTAIN feeling somewhat insecure of his reception
2 : not adequately guarded or sustained : UNSAFE an insecure investment
3 : not firmly fastened or fixed : SHAKY the hinge is loose and insecure
4 a : not highly stable or well-adjusted an insecure marriage b : deficient in assurance : beset by fear and anxiety always felt insecure in a group of strangers
- in·se·cure·ly adverb
- in·se·cure·ness noun
- in·se·cu·ri·ty