Inversion İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Inversion anlamları
- (noun) A change of the usual order of words or phrases; as, "of all vices, impurity is one of the most detestable," instead of, "impurity is one of the most detestable of all vices."
- (noun) The act of inverting, or turning over or backward, or the state of being inverted.
- (noun) Said of intervals, when the lower tone is placed an octave higher, so that fifths become fourths, thirds sixths, etc.
- (noun) A method of reasoning in which the orator shows that arguments advanced by his adversary in opposition to him are really favorable to his cause.
- (noun) Said of a subject, or phrase, when the intervals of which it consists are repeated in the contrary direction, rising instead of falling, or vice versa.
- (noun) The act or process by which cane sugar (sucrose), under the action of heat and acids or ferments (as diastase), is broken or split up into grape sugar (dextrose), and fruit sugar (levulose); also, less properly, the process by which starch is converted into grape sugar (dextrose).
- (noun) A change by inverted order; a reversed position or arrangement of things; transposition.
- (noun) Said of a chord, when one of its notes, other than its root, is made the bass.
- (noun) A movement in tactics by which the order of companies in line is inverted, the right being on the left, the left on the right, and so on.
- (noun) A peculiar method of transformation, in which a figure is replaced by its inverse figure. Propositions that are true for the original figure thus furnish new propositions that are true in the inverse figure. See Inverse figures, under Inverse.
- (noun) Said of double counterpoint, when an upper and a lower part change places.
- (noun) A change in the order of the terms of a proportion, so that the second takes the place of the first, and the fourth of the third.
- (noun) The folding back of strata upon themselves, as by upheaval, in such a manner that the order of succession appears to be reversed.
Inversion tanım:
Kelime: in·ver·sion
Söyleniş: in-'v&r-zh&n, -sh&n
İşlev: noun
1 : a reversal of position, order, form, or relationship: as a (1) : a change in normal word order; especially : the placement of a verb before its subject (2) : the process or result of changing or reversing the relative positions of the notes of a musical interval, chord, or phrase b : the condition of being turned inward or inside out c : a breaking off of a chromosome section and its subsequent reattachment in inverted position; also : a chromosomal section that has undergone this process
2 : the act or process of inverting
3 a : a change in the order of the terms of a mathematical proportion effected by inverting each ratio b : the operation of forming the inverse of a magnitude, a function, an operation, or an element
4 a : the conversion of dextrorotatory sucrose into a levorotatory mixture of glucose and fructose b : a change from one stereochemical figuration at a chiral center in a usually organic molecule to the opposite configuration that is brought about by a reaction in which a substitution of one group is made for a different group
6 : an increase of temperature with height through a layer of air
Inversion ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler
Anastrophe, Eversion, Everting,Inversion
İngilizce Inversion kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.s. inversión
İngilizce Inversion kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.n. renversement; inversion; homosexualité
İngilizce Inversion kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.n. Inversion (Medizin), Umkehrung; Homosexualität
İngilizce Inversion kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.s. inversione, capovolgimento, rovesciamento; (Fon) retroflessione
İngilizce Inversion kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.s. inversão; reviravolta; ordem contrária; homossexualidade
i. evirtim, ters çevirme, ters dönme, evirme, akis, devrik olma, eşcinsellik, homoseksüellikInversion
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.(f) n. inversion, reversal; reversion
Almanca Inversion kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.n. inversion
İngilizce Inversion kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.zn. inversie; omkering; omgekeerde volgorde; homosexualiteit
n. reversal; conversion; reversed order; homosexuality n. inversion, reversal n. inversion, reversal; reversionInversion
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.(général) ommekeer (m)
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.n. inversion
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.(général) rovesciamento (m); capovolgimento (m)
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.(général) inversão (f)
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.(général) inversión (f)
Fransızca Inversion kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.[la] kelimelerin sırasını değiştirme, devrikleme; organların yer değiştirmesi; ters yüz etme
Almanca Inversion kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.n. inversion (f)
Almanca Inversion kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.n. inversione (f)
Almanca Inversion kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.n. inversión (f)
Almanca Inversion kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.i. ters çevirme (f), devrik cümle (f), homoseksüellik (f)
Saber Interactive
7 yıl öncemerkezinde yapılmıştır. Will Rock - PC (2003) TimeShift - PC, PS3, X360 (2007) Inversion - PS3, X360 (2010) Saber resmi websitesi 29 Haziran 2010 tarihinde Wayback...
3 yıl öncearşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 6 Eylül 2017. ^ Hughes, Evan. "The Great Inversion in New Brooklyn". 5 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi...
Cinsel nesneleştirme
3 yıl önceObjectification With Object Versus Person Recognition: The Sexualized-Body-Inversion Hypothesis". Psychological Science. 23 (5): 469-471. ISSN 0956-7976. ...
Armageddon's Evolution
7 yıl öncetarafından piyasaya sürülmüştür. "Arrival of Non-parallel Aeons" - 4:38 "Final Inversion" - 3:17 "Armageddon's Evolution" - 4:42 "Chant of Rebel Angels (intro)"...
Ruth Rendell
7 yıl öncekaybetti. 1990 Sunday Times Edebiyat Ödülü 1987 Altın Hançer (A Fatal Inversion) 1986 Altın Hançer (Live Fesh) 1986 Edgar Ödülü (A Dark-Adapted Eye (Karanlıktaki...
Edward Kasner
3 yıl önceColumbia Üniversitesi'ndeki 1899 doktora tezi, The Invariant Theory of the Inversion Group: Geometry on a Quadric Surface; American Mathematical Society tarafından...
7 yıl önceClause in Bella Coola: Passive Vs Inverse. In T. Givón (Ed.), Voice and Inversion (pp. 147–168). Amsterdam: Benjamins. Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The Languages...
Evelyn Hooker
7 yıl önceBooks, New York 1965, pp. 83–107). Traduzione italiana in: Judd Marmor, Inversione sessuale. Evelyn Hooker, Homosexuality. En: The international encyclopedia...