

Misapplying İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Misapplying anlamları

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misapply

Misapplying tanım:

Kelime: mis-
İşlev: prefix
Kökeni: partly from Middle English, from Old English; partly from Middle English mes-, mis-, from Old French mes-, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English mis-; akin to Old English missan to miss
1 a : badly : wrongly misjudge b : unfavorably misesteem c : in a suspicious manner misdoubt
2 : bad : wrong misdeed
3 : opposite or lack of mistrust
4 : not misknow
mis·act mis·ad·dress mis·ad·just mis·ad·min·is·tra·tion mis·ad·vise mis·aim mis·align mis·align·ment mis·al·lo·cate mis·al·lo·ca·tion mis·anal·y·sis mis·ap·pli·ca·tion mis·ap·ply mis·ap·prais·al mis·ar·tic·u·late mis·as·sem·ble mis·as·sump·tion mis·at·trib·ute mis·at·tri·bu·tion mis·bal·ance mis·be·have mis·be·hav·er mis·be·hav·ior mis·bound mis·but·ton mis·cal·cu·late mis·cal·cu·la·tion mis·cap·tion mis·cat·a·log mis·chan·nel mis·char·ac·ter·i·za·tion mis·char·ac·ter·ize mis·charge mis·choice mis·ci·ta·tion mis·clas·si·fi·ca·tion mis·clas·si·fy mis·code mis·com·pre·hen·sion mis·com·pu·ta·tion mis·com·pute mis·con·ceive mis·con·ceiv·er mis·con·cep·tion mis·con·nect mis·con·nec·tion mis·con·struc·tion mis·con·strue mis·copy mis·cor·re·la·tion mis·cre·ate mis·cre·a·tion mis·cut mis·date mis·deem mis·de·fine mis·de·scribe mis·de·scrip·tion mis·de·vel·op mis·di·ag·nose mis·di·ag·no·sis mis·dial mis·dis·tri·bu·tion mis·di·vi·sion mis·draw mis·ed·u·cate mis·ed·u·ca·tion mis·em·pha·sis mis·em·pha·size mis·em·ploy mis·em·ploy·ment mis·es·ti·mate mis·es·ti·ma·tion mis·eval·u·ate mis·eval·u·a·tion mis·field mis·file mis·fo·cus mis·func·tion mis·gauge mis·gov·ern mis·gov·ern·ment mis·grade mis·iden·ti·fi·ca·tion mis·iden·ti·fy mis·in·form mis·in·for·ma·tion mis·kick mis·la·bel mis·learn mis·lo·cate mis·lo·ca·tion mis·man·age mis·man·age·ment mis·mark mis·mar·riage mis·match mis·mate mis·or·der mis·ori·ent mis·ori·en·ta·tion mis·pack·age mis·per·ceive mis·per·cep·tion mis·plan mis·po·si·tion mis·print mis·pro·gram mis·quo·ta·tion mis·quote mis·rec·ol·lec·tion mis·re·cord mis·ref·er·ence mis·reg·is·ter mis·reg·is·tra·tion mis·re·late mis·re·mem·ber mis·ren·der mis·re·port mis·route mis·set mis·shape mis·shap·en mis·shap·en·ly mis·sort mis·strike mis·throw mis·time mis·ti·tle mis·train mis·tran·scribe mis·tran·scrip·tion mis·trans·late mis·trans·la·tion mis·truth mis·tune mis·type mis·uti·li·za·tion mis·vo·cal·i·za·tion mis·write

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