The Honor Of The First Kick

the honor of the first kick

İngilizce the honor of the first kick kelimelerinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
el honor de la primera patada (la patada del comienzo de un juego, la patada dada por un invitado de honor)

the honor of the first kick

İngilizce the honor of the first kick kelimelerinin Fransızca karşılığı.
Le coup de pied d'honneur (premier coup du jeu, coup donné par un invité d'honneur)

the honor of the first kick

İngilizce the honor of the first kick kelimelerinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
L'onore del primo calcio alla palla (nel gioco del calcio onore riservato alla squadra ospite)

the honor of the first kick

İngilizce the honor of the first kick kelimelerinin Portekizce karşılığı.
a honra do primeiro toque (primeiro toque de bola no jogo executado pelo convidado de honra)

the honor of the first kick

İngilizce the honor of the first kick kelimelerinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ere-schop (het eerste schop van het spel,een schop die door een eregast gegeven wordt)

the honor of the first kick

kick-off in a sports game, the first kick of the game that is given to an honorary guest

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