

1. anlamı s. cömert, eli açık. munificence i. cömertlik. munificently z. cömertçe. ,cömert.
2. anlamı cömertlik.
3. anlamı cömertlik. eliaçıklık. eliaçiklik. el açıklığı.


Munificence İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Munificence anlamları

  1. (noun) The quality or state of being munificent; a giving or bestowing with extraordinary liberality; generous bounty; lavish generosity.
  2. (noun) Means of defense; fortification.

Munificence tanım:

Kelime: mu·nif·i·cent
Söyleniş: myu-'ni-f&-s&nt
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: back-formation from munificence, from Latin munificentia, from munificus generous, from munus service, gift -- more at MEAN
1 : very liberal in giving or bestowing : LAVISH
2 : characterized by great liberality or generosity
synonym see LIBERAL
- mu·nif·i·cence /-s&n(t)s/ noun
- mu·nif·i·cent·ly adverb

Munificence ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Largess, Largesse, Magnanimity,

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