
Kısaca: Villarrobledo, İspanya'da Kastilya-La Mancha Özerk Topluluğu Albacete ili icinde bulunan bir kentsel yerleske ve belediyedir. ...devamı ☟


+ Villarrobledo
---- ---- Resmi Dil >| İspanyolca. ---- Yüzölçümü
 - Toplam
 - % İspanya
861,25 km²
% ---- Nüfus
 - Toplam (2005)
 - % İspanya
 - Yoğunluk
28,67/km² ---- Yöre insanı >| villarrobletano (erkek) / villarrobletana (kadın) . ---- Para birimi >| Euro (€)2 Saat dilimi - Yaz saati uygulamasında- CET (UTC+1)CEST (UTC+2)Kanarya Adaları (UTC+0) ---- Belediye Başkanı Pedro A. Ruiz Santos
(PSOE) ---- Villarrobledo resmi internet sayfası

Villarrobledo, Kastilya-La Mancha İspanya`da bulunan bir şehirdir. It is a Spanish city and municipality in the province of Albacete, part of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha.

Villarrobledo has the major world surface with cultivated vineyards (more than 30.000 has., approximately 48.000.000 of vines) as well as that of major world production of wine. Also, is an important center of Manchego cheese production and exportation and has other important industries like metallurgy and logistic.

In the city interesting events are celebrated as the }, the } or the Holy Week. }

Dış bağlantılar

Image gallery

Image:circulo.jpg|Cí­rculo Mercantil e Industrial Image:Puerta_Renacentista.jpg|Renacentist Portic of San Blas Image:Vií±a_Rock_2001.jpg|Vií±a Rock Festival Image:Puerta_Gotica.jpg|Gothic Portic of San Blas Image:Iglesiamoharras.jpg|Church of Moharras Image:Encantada.jpg|La Encantá Hill Image:Ayuntamiento_Villarrobledo.jpg|City Hall Image:Enrique_Arce.jpg|Manor Image:Paquetes2005.jpg|Carnival`s Chirigota Image:Moharras1855.jpg|Cristo de las Injurias Image:Jesús_de_Medinaceli.jpg|Jesús de Medinaceli (Holy Week) Image:Detalle_Cí­rculo.jpg|Cí­rculo Mercantil`s Dome



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