
Kısaca: Set kelimesinin çeşitli anlamları ve kullanımları vardır: ...devamı ☟

Set kelimesinin çeşitli anlamları ve kullanımları vardır:
  • Set veya Seth; Mısır mitolojisinde tanrı. Seth diye de anılır.
  • Set; Tenis sporu ile alakalı bir terim.
  • Set;Silah tekniği ile ilgili bir terim.


1. anlamı Toprağın kayıp akmasını veya suyun yayılmasını önlemek için yapılan kalın duvar. Bulunulan yerden daha yüksekte kalan düzlük:"Karşımıza merdivenli bir setin üstünde hamama benzeyen kubbeli bir bina çıktı."- R. N. Güntekin. Seki. Ateşli silahlarda namlunun içindeki helisin çıkıntı bölümü. Pinpon, voleybol gibi oyunlarda maçın her bir bölümü.
2. anlamı oturuş, duruş; eğilim temayül, meyil; tenis set; mâni, briç yeniset square göa dead set engel; batma, batış, gurup; testere dişlerinin çaprazlanması; akıntı veya rüzgarın yönü; fide; av köpeğinin avı göstermesi; mizanpli.
3. anlamı koymak. hazırlamak. kurmak. saptamak. belirlemek. gerçekleştirmek. batmak. niyetli. kararlı. kafasına koymuş. hazır. sabit. değişmez. belirli. belirlenmiş. kararlaştırılmış. takım. set. seri. koleksiyon. grup. cihaz. (güneş) batma. batış. duruş. vaziyet.
4. set.


Set İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Set anlamları

  1. (noun) A stone, commonly of granite, shaped like a short brick and usually somewhat larger than one, used for street paving. Commonly written sett.
  2. (noun) Any of various standards of measurement of the fineness of cloth; specif., the number of reeds in one inch and the number of threads in each reed. The exact meaning varies according to the location where it is used. Sometimes written sett.
  3. (noun) The manner, state, or quality of setting or fitting; fit; as, the set of a coat.
  4. (noun) Camber of a curved roofing tile.
  5. (v. i.) To be fixed for growth; to strike root; to begin to germinate or form; as, cuttings set well; the fruit has set well (i. e., not blasted in the blossom).
  6. (noun) A young plant for growth; as, a set of white thorn.
  7. (noun) Direction or course; as, the set of the wind, or of a current.
  8. (v. t.) To fix beforehand; to determine; hence, to make unyielding or obstinate; to render stiff, unpliant, or rigid; as, to set one's countenance.
  9. (v. t.) To reduce from a dislocated or fractured state; to replace; as, to set a broken bone.
  10. (v. t.) To render stiff or solid; especially, to convert into curd; to curdle; as, to set milk for cheese.
  11. (v. t.) To give a pitch to, as a tune; to start by fixing the keynote; as, to set a psalm.
  12. (v. t.) To put in order in a particular manner; to prepare; as, to set (that is, to hone) a razor; to set a saw.
  13. (noun) A short steel spike used for driving the head of a nail below the surface.
  14. (v. t.) To lower into place and fix solidly, as the blocks of cut stone in a structure.
  15. (v. t.) To make to agree with some standard; as, to set a watch or a clock.
  16. (noun) A young oyster when first attached.
  17. (v. i.) To pass below the horizon; to go down; to decline; to sink out of sight; to come to an end.
  18. (v. t.) To point out the seat or position of, as birds, or other game; -- said of hunting dogs.
  19. (v. i.) To have a certain direction in motion; to flow; to move on; to tend; as, the current sets to the north; the tide sets to the windward.
  20. (v. t.) To fit with music; to adapt, as words to notes; to prepare for singing.
  21. (a.) Adjusted; arranged; formed; adapted.
  22. (v. t.) To extend and bring into position; to spread; as, to set the sails of a ship.
  23. (v. i.) To fit music to words.
  24. (noun) The act of setting, as of the sun or other heavenly body; descent; hence, the close; termination.
  25. (noun) The deflection of a tooth, or of the teeth, of a saw, which causes the the saw to cut a kerf, or make an opening, wider than the blade.
  26. (noun) Permanent change of figure in consequence of excessive strain, as from compression, tension, bending, twisting, etc.; as, the set of a spring.
  27. (v. t.) To fix in the ground, as a post or a tree; to plant; as, to set pear trees in an orchard.
  28. (imp. & p. p.) of Set
  29. (noun) That which is staked; a wager; a venture; a stake; hence, a game at venture.
  30. (v. t.) To adorn with something infixed or affixed; to stud; to variegate with objects placed here and there.
  31. (v. t.) To determine; to appoint; to assign; to fix; as, to set a time for a meeting; to set a price on a horse.
  32. (v. i.) To indicate the position of game; -- said of a dog; as, the dog sets well; also, to hunt game by the aid of a setter.
  33. (v. t.) To fix, as a precious stone, in a border of metal; to place in a setting; hence, to place in or amid something which serves as a setting; as, to set glass in a sash.
  34. (v. t.) To compose; to arrange in words, lines, etc.; as, to set type; to set a page.
  35. (v. i.) To become fixed or rigid; to be fastened.
  36. (a.) Regular; uniform; formal; as, a set discourse; a set battle.
  37. (v. t.) To make to assume specified place, condition, or occupation; to put in a certain condition or state (described by the accompanying words); to cause to be.
  38. (noun) Collectively, the crop of young oysters in any locality.
  39. (v. t.) To fix firmly; to make fast, permanent, or stable; to render motionless; to give an unchanging place, form, or condition to.
  40. (noun) A number of things of the same kind, ordinarily used or classed together; a collection of articles which naturally complement each other, and usually go together; an assortment; a suit; as, a set of chairs, of china, of surgical or mathematical instruments, of books, etc.
  41. (v. t.) To put into a desired position or condition; to adjust; to regulate; to adapt.
  42. (v. t.) To establish as a rule; to furnish; to prescribe; to assign; as, to set an example; to set lessons to be learned.
  43. (v. i.) To place plants or shoots in the ground; to plant.
  44. (a.) Established; prescribed; as, set forms of prayer.
  45. (noun) A series of as many games as may be necessary to enable one side to win six. If at the end of the tenth game the score is a tie, the set is usually called a deuce set, and decided by an application of the rules for playing off deuce in a game. See Deuce.
  46. (v. i.) To apply one's self; to undertake earnestly; -- now followed by out.
  47. (noun) A piece placed temporarily upon the head of a pile when the latter cannot be reached by the weight, or hammer, except by means of such an intervening piece.
  48. (noun) That dimension of the body of a type called by printers the width.
  49. (v. t.) To cause to stop or stick; to obstruct; to fasten to a spot; hence, to occasion difficulty to; to embarrass; as, to set a coach in the mud.
  50. (v. i.) To fit or suit one; to sit; as, the coat sets well.
  51. (noun) In dancing, the number of persons necessary to execute a quadrille; also, the series of figures or movements executed.
  52. (v. t.) Hence, to attach or affix (something) to something else, or in or upon a certain place.
  53. (v. t.) To stake at play; to wager; to risk.
  54. (noun) That which is set, placed, or fixed.
  55. (a.) Firm; unchanging; obstinate; as, set opinions or prejudices.
  56. (noun) A number of persons associated by custom, office, common opinion, quality, or the like; a division; a group; a clique.
  57. (v. i.) To congeal; to concrete; to solidify.
  58. (noun) A kind of punch used for bending, indenting, or giving shape to, metal; as, a saw set.
  59. (v. t.) To suit; to become; as, it sets him ill.
  60. (v. t.) To value; to rate; -- with at.
  61. (a.) Fixed in position; immovable; rigid; as, a set line; a set countenance.
  62. (v. t.) To cause to sit; to make to assume a specified position or attitude; to give site or place to; to place; to put; to fix; as, to set a house on a stone foundation; to set a book on a shelf; to set a dish on a table; to set a chest or trunk on its bottom or on end.
  63. (v. i.) To begin to move; to go out or forth; to start; -- now followed by out.

Set tanım:

Kelime: set
Söyleniş: 'set
İşlev: verb
Türleri: set; set·ting
Kökeni: Middle English setten, from Old English settan; akin to Old High German sezzen to set, Old English sittan to sit
transitive senses
1 : to cause to sit : place in or on a seat
2 a : to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them b : to put (eggs) for hatching under a fowl or into an incubator
3 : to place (oneself) in position to start running in a race
4 a : to place with care or deliberate purpose and with relative stability set a ladder against the wall set a stone on the grave b : TRANSPLANT 1 set seedlings c (1) : to make (as a trap) ready to catch prey (2) : to fix (a hook) firmly into the jaw of a fish d : to put aside (as dough containing yeast) for fermenting
5 : to direct with fixed attention set your mind to it
6 a : to cause to assume a specified condition, relation, or occupation slaves were set free set the house on fire b : to cause the start of set a fire
7 a : to appoint or assign to an office or duty b : POST, STATION
8 : to cause to assume a specified posture or position set the door ajar
9 a : to fix as a distinguishing imprint, sign, or appearance the years have set their mark on him b : AFFIX c : APPLY set a match to kindling
10 : to fix or decide on as a time, limit, or regulation : PRESCRIBE set a wedding day set the rules for the game
11 a : to establish as the highest level or best performance set a record for the half mile b : to furnish as a pattern or model set an example of generosity c : to allot as a task setting lessons for the children to work upon at home -- Manchester Examiner
12 a : to adjust (a device and especially a measuring device) to a desired position set the alarm for 7:00 set a thermostat at 68 ; also : to adjust (as a clock) in conformity with a standard b : to restore to normal position or connection when dislocated or fractured set a broken bone c : to spread to the wind set the sails
13 a : to put in order for use set a place for a guest b : to make scenically ready for a performance set the stage c (1) : to arrange (type) for printing set type by hand (2) : to put into type or its equivalent (as on film) set the first word in italic
14 a : to put a fine edge on by grinding or honing set a razor b : to bend slightly the tooth points of (a saw) alternately in opposite directions c : to sink (the head of a nail) below the surface
15 : to fix in a desired position (as by heating or stretching)
16 : to arrange (hair) in a desired style by using implements (as curlers, rollers, or clips) and gels or lotions
17 a : to adorn with something affixed or infixed : STUD, DOT clear sky set with stars b : to fix (as a precious stone) in a border of metal : place in a setting
18 a : to hold something in regard or esteem at the rate of sets a great deal by daily exercise b : to place in a relative rank or category set duty before pleasure c : to fix at a certain amount set bail at $500 d : VALUE, RATE their promises were set at naught e : to place as an estimate of worth set a high value on life
19 : to place in relation for comparison or balance theory set against practice
20 a : to direct to action b : to incite to attack or antagonism war sets brother against brother
21 a : to place by transporting was set ashore on the island b : to put in motion c : to put and fix in a direction set our faces toward home once more d of a dog : to point out the position of (game) by holding a fixed attitude
22 : to defeat (an opponent or a contract) in bridge
23 a : to fix firmly : make immobile : give rigid form or condition to set her jaw in determination b : to make unyielding or obstinate
24 : to cause to become firm or solid set milk for cheese
25 : to cause (as fruit) to develop
intransitive senses
1 chiefly dialect : SIT
2 : to be becoming : be suitable : FIT the coat sets well
3 : to cover and warm eggs to hatch them
4 a : to become lodged or fixed the pudding set heavily on my stomach b : to place oneself in position in preparation for an action (as running)
5 of a plant part : to undergo development usually as a result of pollination
6 a : to pass below the horizon : go down the sun sets b : to come to an end this century sets with little mirth -- Thomas Fuller
7 : to apply oneself to some activity set to work
8 : to have a specified direction in motion : FLOW, TEND the wind was setting from Pine Hill to the farm -- Esther Forbes
9 of a dog : to indicate the position of game by crouching or pointing
10 : to dance face to face with another in a square dance set to your partner and turn
11 a : to become solid or thickened by chemical or physical alteration the cement sets rapidly b of a dye or color : to become permanent c of a bone : to become whole by knitting d of metal : to acquire a permanent twist or bend from strain
- set about : to begin to do
- set apart 1 : to reserve to a particular use 2 : to make noticeable or outstanding
- set aside 1 : to put to one side : DISCARD 2 : to reserve for a purpose : SAVE 3 : DISMISS 4 : ANNUL, OVERRULE
- set at : to mount an attack on : ASSAIL would go although... devils should set at me -- Charlotte Yonge
- set eyes on : to catch sight of
- set foot in : ENTER
- set foot on : to step onto
- set forth 1 : to give an account or statement of 2 : to start out on a journey
- set forward 1 : FURTHER 2 : to start out on a journey
- set in motion : to give impulse to sets the story in motion vividly -- Howard Thompson
- set one's hand to : to become engaged in
- set one's heart on : RESOLVE transitive sense 5 she set her heart on going to medical school
- set one's house in order : to organize one's affairs
- set one's sights on : to determine to pursue
- set one's teeth on edge : IRRITATE, ANNOY
- set one straight : to correct someone by providing accurate information
- set sail : to start out on a course esp : to begin a voyage set sail for Bermuda
- set store by or set store on : to consider valuable, trustworthy, or worthwhile
- set the stage : to provide the basis or background this trend will set the stage for higher earnings
- set to music : to provide music or instrumental accompaniment for (a text)
- set upon : to attack usually with violence the dogs set upon the trespassers

Set ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Adjust, Arrange, Band, Bent, Circle, Coif, Coiffure, Congeal, Countersink, Determine, Determined, Dictated, Do, Dress, Fit, Fix, Fixed, Fructify, Hardened, Hardening, Jell, Laid, Lay, Limit, Localize, Located, Lot, Mark, Place, Placed, Plant, Pose, Position, Prepare, Primed, Put, Readiness, Ready, Regulate, Rig, Rigid, Sic, Situated, Solidification, Solidifying, Specify,

Set ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Ascend, Rise, Uprise,


İngilizce Set kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. conjunto, batería, colección, grupo, juego; círculo; decorado; muda; set, aparato
v. colocar, fijar, poner, situar, ubicar; ajustar, regular; determinar, dejar asentado, establecer, imponer; sedimentarse, coagular, cuajar
adj. determinado, fijo


İngilizce Set kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. système; collection, jeu, équipage; assortiment; suite; parure; ensemble, trousse; cercle; appareil; liasse; manche, set (Tennis); conformation, attitude; posture; direction; tendances; déviation, déformation: décor,plateau de tournage; position; série; terrier (blaireau)
v. mettre; poser; établir; fixer; déterminer, assigner; positionner; entraîner; régler; préparer; arranger, ajuster; servir; diriger; insérer, incruster
adj. fixe; stable; fixé; établi; prêt; déterminé à l'avancepréparé, arrangé, résolu; préalablement établi


İngilizce Set kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) ] n. Satz; Paar; Garnitur; Set; Serie; Reihe; Bühnenbild; Szenenaufbau
v. stellen; einstellen; aufstellen; legen; setzen; vorbereiten
adj. fest; starr; unverstellbar; fertig


İngilizce Set kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. serie, assortimento; collana, collezione; cricca, gruppo; modo di portare; messa in piega; atteggiamento, portamento; (fig) orientamento, tendenza, inclinazione; fila, infilata; (Cin, TV
v. posare, mettere, porre, collocare; regolare, mettere a punto; assegnare a, dare a; stabilire, fissare; piantare, conficcare; (fig) irrigidire; indurire, rassodare; piazzare; situare; ambientare
agg. stabilito, determinato; studiato, preparato; deciso, risoluto; fisso, fermo, immobile; fissato, assicurato; solidificato; pronto; situato, collocato; campale


İngilizce Set kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. grupo, curso; série; conjunto; adaptação; direção; plano; posição; endurecimento; lugar de filmagem
v. pôr, colocar; preparar; usar; arrumar; causar; marcar; servir; ajustar
adj. fixo, imóvel; pronto, arrumado; adivinho; encontro marcado


f. koymak; yerleştirmek, takmak, kurmak, hazırlamak; düzenlemek; ayarlamak, belirlemek; batmak (güneş), batmak; oturtmak; yapmak; kararlaştırmak; dizmek; dikmek, ekmek; şekil vermek; kuluçkaya yatırmak; kakma işi yapmak (taş); süslemek; yazmak, çizmek; s
i. set, seri, dizi, takım, yemek takımı, sahne, topluluk, grup, zümre, durum, hal, eğilim, gidiş yönü, gidişat, batma, vaziyet, batış, fide, fidan, yuva (porsuk vb.), alıcı
s. kurulmuş, yapmacık, içten olmayan, sabit, değişmez, belirlenmiş, belirli, geleneksel, alışılmış, basmakalıp, kararlı, azimli, inatçı, dediğim dedik


Fransızca Set kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. set


Almanca Set kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
adj. fixed, unchanging; arranged, prepared; resolute, firmly resolved; determined in advance


İtalyanca Set kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. set, group of items, collection, sequence


İspanyolca Set kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. set


Türkçe Set kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. system; group of items, collection; posture, carriage; series, sequence; receiver, electronic device for receiving radio or television broadcasts; filming location; setting for a drama film or television program; direction; process of hardening
v. put, place; determine; fix in place; assign, post, appoint a person for a role; cause to be in a particular condition; arrange, prepare; adjust, align, calibrate to a specific position or setting; insert, inlay
adj. fixed, unchanging; arranged, prepared; resolute, firmly resolved; determined in advance


Flemenkçe Set kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. suit, series, outfit


İngilizce Set kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. set; toestel; groep; houding; serie; bergplaats; plaats waar gefilmd wordt; kant; het hard worden
ww. zetten; vaststellen; neerzetten; veroorzaken; klaarmaken; vast worden; richten
bn. vast; strak; klaar


n. system; group of items, collection; posture, carriage; series, sequence; receiver, electronic device for receiving radio or television broadcasts; filming location; setting for a drama film or television program; direction; process of hardening
v. put, place; determine; fix in place; assign, post, appoint a person for a role; cause to be in a particular condition; arrange, prepare; adjust, align, calibrate to a specific position or setting; insert, inlay
adj. fixed, unchanging; arranged, prepared; resolute, firmly resolved; determined in advance


Flemenkçe Set kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(sport - tennis) set (m)


Fransızca Set kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (sport - tennis) set (m)
2. (ustensiles de cuisine) onderleggertje (n)


Almanca Set kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.


toprağın kayıp akmasını ya da suyun yayılmasını önlemek için yapılan kalın duvar; ateşli silahlarda namlunun içindeki helisin çıkıntı bölümü.
bulunulan yerden daha yüksekte kalan düzlük; masatopu, uçantop gibi oyunlarda maçın her bir bölümü.


Fransızca Set kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. satz, set


Fransızca Set kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (sport - tennis) set {invariable}
2. (ustensiles de cuisine) tovaglietta all'americana

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